

Name Japan
Note The driver's license issued in Japan is valid to drive in Japan, however the international driving permit (IDP) issued in Japan is not valid to drive in Japan.
I will explain if anybody who has the driver's license issued by Japan is allowed to drive in Japan.

Yes, the driver's license issued in Japan is valid to drive in Japan. But the international driving permit (IDP) issued in Japan is not valid to drive in Japan.

To drive a vehicle legally in Japan, you will need a driver's license. The necessary documentation needed to issue a deriver's license does not depend on the driver's Nationality but depends on which country the driver's license is issued from and which country the driver resides in.

On the internet, you may come across a fake international driver's license that is presented as if it is valid to drive in Japan.
These fake international driver's license is not valid to drive in Japan.
For more information regarding fake international driver's license please click here.