

Name China
Note For China, a driver's license or International Driving Permit(IDP) issued in Mainland China (excluding Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan) is not valid in Japan. International Driver's License (IDP) issued in Hong Kong or Macau is valid in Japan. In addition the driver's license issued in China with a Japanese translation from 台北駐日経済文化代表処(Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka, Fukuoka, Naha, Sapporo), JAF, 台湾日本関係協会(Taiwan-Japan Relations Association, ex-亜東関係協会, ex-The East Asia Relation Commission), ZIPLUS Co., Ltd. , will be valid to drive in Japan.
I will explain if anybody who has the driver's license issued by China is allowed to drive in Japan.

In conclusion if you are from the Main Land (exception to Hong Kong, Maccau, Taiwan), your driver's license and interantional driver's permit issued in the Main Land (exception to Hong Kong, Maccau, Taiwan) is not valid to drive in Japan.

To drive a vehicle legally in Japan, you will need a driver's license. The necessary documentation needed to issue a deriver's license does not depend on the driver's Nationality but depends on which country the driver's license is issued from and which country the driver resides in.

I am sorry, but all driver's license and international driver's license issued in Main Land China(exception to Hong Kong, Maccau, Taiwan) is not valid to drive in Japan.

Japan is only affiliated with the 1949 Geneva Convention. And Main Land China (exception to Hong Kong, Maccau, Taiwan) is not affiliated with the 1949 Geneva Convention.

Also, Japan does not have a individual treaty regarding driving in each others country.

Hong Kong and Maccau is affiliated in the 1949 Geneva Convention. Therefore, the international driving permit (IDP) issued in Hong Kong and Maccau is valid to drive in Japan. For more information, please click Hong Kong, or Macau page. Taiwan and Japan has a individual treaty regarding driving in each others country. Therefore, if you have a Taiwanese National driver's license, a Japanese translation of the license, from either 台北駐日経済文化代表処(Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka, Fukuoka, Naha, Sapporo), JAF, 台湾日本関係協会(Taiwan-Japan Relations Association, ex-亜東関係協会, ex-The East Asia Relation Commission), ZIPLUS Co., Ltd. , the driver's license will be valid to drive in Japan.
For more information, please click here.

It is very confusing but, there are countries that issue a international driving permit (IDP) very similar to the 1949 Geneva Convention even though the country is not affiliated to the 1949 Geneva Convention.
In that particular international driving permit (IDP), it may state that Japan is a affiliated under the 1949 Geneva Convention, and seems as if it is valid to drive in Japan. But Japan is very strict regarding the international regulation, therefore that particular international driving permit (IDP) is not valid to drive in Japan.

In the future, if China affiliates under the 1949 Geneva Convention, the international driving permit (IDP) under the 1949 Geneva Convention in the proper format and issued by the respectable government branch or assigned agent will be valid to drive in Japan.

On the internet, you may come across a fake international driver's license that is presented as if it is valid to drive in Japan.
These fake international driver's license is not valid to drive in Japan.
For more information regarding fake international driver's license please click here.
